Saturday, November 19, 2011

As Time goes by

Time does heal as it's been seven years today that you left me Mom. I will never stop missing or loving you, but I know you are in a better place, and someday we will be together again! I will think and pray for you as I do often. Love you......always

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

God's gift

As I have grown to who I am, I have learned that money does NOT buy happiness! I am not ashamed to admit the way I live because I have a roof over my head, it may not be a fancy house, but I own it and it is home. I have food on my table, I don't pay for my food, but I am lucky to have food. My car died, so I don't own a car but I have so many loved ones helping me find one, as my mechanic. I may not be married any longer very soon, but I have been given the gift of his friendship and caring and love, which I did not have before. So, yes, I feel very lucky today and very thankful. A cousin wrote me this today:
You can never truly plan your life, can you. Because life just keeps happening, no matter your plans. For me, that truth became personal when mom died. I just figured she would live to 100 as she has longevity in her family. I was not prepared her passing. And I know you weren't prepared for your mom's either. Yet life just continues to march on. I have always thought of you as a strong woman. Really. Look at your beautiful children. Both with strong, moral character. And as kind as anyone could possibly be. They got that from you. God has gifted you and you have used your gifts well.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I am me

I haven't been here in 2 months. Funny how life can change so quickly! I accomplished something I am proud of, well, actually 2 things. I published a book and went off a medicine that made me not me. I can experience happiness again, no longer flat lining as that was how it made me feel.
I made peace with my one true more need be said.
I am happy, I am the person I was born to be, I am me! Thank you God for helping me survive.